killingerk Neon Lights World Accessories Bundle
killingerk Neon Lights World Accessories
better pictures will be coming soon more about this product will be coming
more bundles will be coming in the future
if you bought a previous bundle you get $1 off the next one
killingerk Neon Lights World Accessories Bundle 1
little things you can put in your world
killingerk Neon Wall Lights World Accessories Bundle 2
Neon Lights World Accessories
bundle 2 will include walls and Floors
killingerk Neon Pillars Lights World Accessories Bundle 3
killingerk Neon Stairs Lights World Accessories Bundle 4
killingerk Neon Light Trimming World Accessories Bundle 5
──────────Mörder Shop TOS 2024 ──────────────────
1# Disclaimers Please credit my Gumroad store when using.
2# Refunds are not issued after the purchase has been made. I do not take responsibility if a future VRC update breaks it
3# Do NOT share the is, if you buy it as a gift put their information instead of yours.
4# Do NOT make this public certain items cannot be public . World files if you want the world public DM me
5# Do NOT redistribute in any form (this includes NO price splitting, trading or sharing with friends) - you can use it in your world or commission worlds
6# Do NOT claim as yours - you are allowed to edit it, but it does not make it yours.
7# most of my assets are allowed to be used commercially or Personal Only
buy a commission license for assets list of items in the description on the commission license can be used
you have to buy multiple commission license for multiple items
8# World files cannot be used commercially you both have to own the files
World Blank Slate fbx versions of the world I sell can be used for commission please click on commission license above to check the listing to see what items are commission used
9# Opti Avatars Blank Slate Series
Blank Slate Series Personal License
Personal License Avatar you can customize it for your club and upload it people can clone it
add the blueprint to your world for clone it not allowed to share the Avatar files
Blank Slate Series Commission License
Commission License you can buy the Avatar and customize it and put it in your World commissions and worlds you put up for sale
Avatar files are not allowed to be given blueprint ID only you're allowed to do one version per world
10# to buy my items you have to agree to the TOS
warning my TOS can change anytime
TOS Update 6/22/2024 Signature MS
──────────Mörder Shop TOS 2024 ──────────────────
1# Disclaimers Please credit my Gumroad store when using.
2# Refunds are not issued after the purchase has been made. I do not take responsibility if a future VRC update breaks it
3# Do NOT share the is, if you buy it as a gift put their information instead of yours.
4# Do NOT make this public certain items cannot be public . World files if you want the world public DM me
5# Do NOT redistribute in any form (this includes NO price splitting, trading or sharing with friends) - you can use it in your world or commission worlds
6# Do NOT claim as yours - you are allowed to edit it, but it does not make it yours.
7# most of my assets are allowed to be used commercially or Personal Only
buy a commission license for assets list of items in the description on the commission license can be used
you have to buy multiple commission license for multiple items
8# World files cannot be used commercially you both have to own the files
World Blank Slate fbx versions of the world I sell can be used for commission please click on commission license above to check the listing to see what items are commission used
9# Opti Avatars Blank Slate Series
Blank Slate Series Personal License
Personal License Avatar you can customize it for your club and upload it people can clone it
add the blueprint to your world for clone it not allowed to share the Avatar files
Blank Slate Series Commission License
Commission License you can buy the Avatar and customize it and put it in your World commissions and worlds you put up for sale
Avatar files are not allowed to be given blueprint ID only you're allowed to do one version per world
10# to buy my items you have to agree to the TOS
warning my TOS can change anytime
TOS Update 6/22/2024 Signature MS