
Simple Club World V1.02

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Simple Club World V1.02

9 ratings

World Showcase World Showcase 1440p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mTO6KQyqYE&ab_channel=killingerk

Club Event World PC & QUEST DJ Events/Dancing Events


Download Not Available Discontinued Simple Club Worldv0.99

Download Available Simple Club World V1.0

to use this world you have to use

Creator companion

Unity 2022.3. 6f1

VRC Simple Club Event World PC & QUEST

everything you need to start doing events


Mirrors ✅

Audio Link Media Player ✅

Picture Frames ✅

Dancing Poles ✅

Dancing Staff Room ✅

Stage Room ✅

Spawn Room ✅

Staff Toggles ✅

Stage Amp ✅

World Spawn Barricade ✅

VRchat Teleport Player on Touch ✅

Club Teleport Buttons ✅

Club Local and Global Toggle Networked Toggles ✅

Teleporters for dancer / performers ✅

VRChat Worlds Keypad ✅

Occlusion Culling✅

post-processing ✅

Sofa Colliders ✅

vrchat seating toggle ✅

Free Optimize Avatar pre-made from honey candy shop ✅

honey candy shop does commissions for custom off the avatars can for clubs Starting price is $15

Simple Club World Updating V1.02

easier to edit posters each poster will have their own material an easy to find

Plus a DLC add-on drag and drop to your existing project

VIP barricade bug fix it has the invisible wall now

remove the old version of the fbx of the world

updated World prefab From Simple Club World v4 To Simple Club World v5

staff teleport system redesign from square boxes to numbers

Plus a DLC add-on drag and drop to your existing project

updated killingerk amplifier to ModerateWinGuy amplifier this amplifier easy to modify and change settings

can break in the future re-import amplifier with vrchat updates reason why it's a script

particle effects included in DJ booth

Fireworks Fireworks Particle Vrchat (15 types)



Falling Sakura Leaves

names pop up on buttons

Quick Camera System


Stats - World 20MB

- Instructions

Easy to set up!

The world is already set up! I didn't package it so you only have unzip use Winrar the project and open the folder using Creator Companion in Vrchat

1. Download the zipped world file and unzip it. use Winrar https://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0

2. Make sure you have the latest unity (vrchat) installed (2022.3.22f1)

3. Go to Creator Companion and click "Open"

4. Browse to the world file in the Assets/Scene. AND THAT'S IT!

How to video tutorial is included if you don't understand

a full tutorial will be coming soon


Chairs -https://trolli.gumroad.com/l/hangout-couch?a=24281427

Doors https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/xzaggp?layout=profile

Lura's Switch https://lura.booth.pm/items/1969082

Dancing Pole https://fawnit.gumroad.com/l/Pole?ref=jinxxy

WolfeVideoPlayer https://vrchat.nishawolfe.com/prefabs/videoplayer

VRchat Teleport Player on Touch Script for doors and other objects https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/onqsg

Club Local and Global Toggle Networked Toggles optimize Toggles https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/ClubLocalorGlobalTogglebuttonsNetworkedTogglesoptimizeToggles

Club Teleport Buttons teleport in the world https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/ClubTeleportButtonspresetupyoucanteleportaroundtheworld

gate https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/vxyff?layout=profile

Front Desk or DJ booth v3 https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/cpdqq

Club Voice Amplifier Booster for DJ and Stage Udon Behaviour working in unity 2022 https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/ClubVoiceAmplifierBoosterforDJandStage

Party zone KEYPAD https://labthe3rd.gumroad.com/l/PartyZoneKeypad

World Spawn Barricade Optimize Only Avatars Button https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/tyqxcv

Optimize Avatar pre-made from honey candy shop https://payhip.com/HoneyComb

Balcony Fencing https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/jfhou

Trolli's Neon Pack https://trolli.gumroad.com/l/neon-pack?ref=jinxxy

TV Screen or Picture Frame https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/mgwxx

Stage https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/uspcu?layout=profile

XMAS Lights by RED_SIM v.1.3 https://www.patreon.com/red_sim/posts

velvet rope https://theguardiansoul.gumroad.com/l/velvetrope?ref=jinxxy

【 FREE 】Cafe Couch & Table https://lisathekuma.gumroad.com/l/bpuzg?ref=jinxxy

ModerateWinGuy amplifier https://moderatewinguy.gumroad.com/l/eyjuw?layout=profile

Fireworks Fireworks Particle Vrchat (15 types) https://kireneko.gumroad.com/l/Fireworks?a=24281427

Snow https://booth.pm/en/items/3488026

Rain https://booth.pm/en/items/3488026

Falling Sakura Leaves https://imbeemo.gumroad.com/l/Sakura?layout=profile&recommended_by=library

Quick Camera System https://payhip.com/b/mcJF1

killingerk Neon Lights World Accessories Bundle https://killingerk.gumroad.com/l/buydzp

──────────Mörder Shop TOS 2024 ──────────────────

Disclaimers Please credit my Gumroad store when using.

Refunds are not issued after the purchase has been made. I do not take responsibility if a future VRC update breaks it

Do NOT share the is, if you buy it as a gift put their information instead of yours.

Do NOT make this public. World files if you want the world public DM me

Do NOT redistribute in any form (this includes NO price splitting, trading or sharing with friends) - you can use it in your world or commission worlds

Do NOT claim as yours - you are allowed to edit it, but it does not make it yours.

most of my assets are allowed to be used commercially or personally

World files cannot be used commercially you both have to own the files

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